Managing director Tresta Keegan says they felt that this relationship should be recognised by sharing their name, “something that both Tharstern UK and Mosaic are very proud to do.

“For 2008, we have reconfigured a ‘Starter Kit’ MIS package called TharsternSQL Small Print. This comprises of Estimating, Job Costing and Purchase Order Processing for three Users. This particular format doesn’t require that it is installed on an SQL server (so no overwhelming IT costs or processes) but can be installed on a suitably spec’d PC with our technical staff applying proven installation and training processes that can see users up and running within a week,” she says.

Different from competitor entry-level solutions, the modules haven’t been shaved back to a skeletal form with less functionality than the solutions sold into larger environments.

“This means smaller users don’t risk buying a product that they are lead to believe is adequate, but the all too often reality is when they start using it in their business, there have been a frustrating number of corners cut that will force them to upgrade to the next level, dipping their hands into their pockets twice and going through added disruption. (Graphic attached re Small Print).

“We’ve formatted this to make it as easy as possible for the user, with Mosaic and One Finance also partnering up to offer some easy financing terms so the costs are expensed and have a minimal impact upon cashflow.”

It’s crucial to note, that one of the things TharsternSQL is unquestionably successful at is successfully delivering to a range of customers, from a single user site (arming them with the best possible tools for business growth) to large print companies (a few with annual turnovers of over $50mill+) where TharsternSQL is at the heart of the business servicing multiple branches in multiple countries. These are traditional sheetfed printers; label; print brokers; screen printers; reel-fed; pre-press houses and digital environments.

Mosaic has also developed some specific tools for the across-the-counter digital environments – an area of the market that it felt was poorly supported with easy-to-use technology that actually integrates into an MIS, accounts and could provide detailed reporting.
“We’ve been in the market since 2002 and have a customer base of some very progressive companies, from Auckland to Invercargill as well as over the Tasman. These are companies who researched the market to find an MIS partner who can deliver to long-term efficiency objectives. Many people look at the implications of money spent in the plant, but there is a very savvy generation of printers in NZ at the moment who know that to compete successfully in a market that is in such a constant state of flux, efficiencies have to be identified, monitored and gained in every area of the print environment: Marketing; Sales; Raw Material; Production and Despatch.”

TharsternSQL has undergone years of progressive development to ensure that it integrates with virtually any other solution to enable efficiencies in Online Ordering (E-Commerce), Stock Management; integration with other packages for accounts, reporting, graphing tools, Customer Relationship Management – and as well Business to Business transactions.
Drupa this year will be an exciting show for TharsternSQL with the launch of the next generation of our E-Commerce package: e4print. This new generation of the product will be made available free to upgrade to existing users on support contract – and will be offered in the market as totally unique in any MIS integrated E-Commerce product worldwide.
“We acknowledged that with an online tool for ordering print, the market that e4print has to please now is massive: anyone from a real estate agent to the manager of a franchise or bank branch, for example.

“The know-how and user-experience that is built into the new e4print is designed to make the printer on the receiving end of the orders look like Heros, totally delivering the online experience that increasingly technology-literate people dream of. We expect it is going to raise the bar for print related E-Commerce.”

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