ORGANISERS have reminded delegates to make sure to book their places for the WePrint Conference 2018.
The conference takes place in Blenheim on July 17-18th at the Marlborough Convention Centre. Rebranded as WePrint, the former Swug Conference has broadened its appeal.
WePrint treasurer, Craig Harrison, general manager of operations at PMP New Zealand, explains that the rebranding comes from the concept of inclusivity. Swug has previously only included those involved in the newspaper industry. He says, “About six years ago, the chairman at the time, Dan Blackbourn suggested we include heatset printers. We are now going a step further and opening it up to all printers including digital and sheetfed and making it a New Zealand wide printing industry conference.”
The conference will host a range of speakers. Kellie Northwood, executive director at TSA, spoke last year and she will give an update on what has happened in the industry in the past year and speak about promotional opportunities. Economist Cameron Bagrie will deliver a presentation outlining his views on the new government and the economy. A new government and change to the political climate affects us all – not only in our work life but also on a personal level. Disruptive technology is here to stay – how do we look at this and deal with it on a day to day basis? What is in store moving forward? Cameron will provide an overview of where we are at and what lies in store for us all. He will also be available for a workshop session later in the day where you will be able to direct your specific questions
Leadership specialist Jamie Fitzgerald will talk about bridging the gap between strategy, leadership and high-performance culture, with subjects like how to attack big hairy goals; how to create a winning purpose, strategy and business model; and thriving (not just surviving) through change.
Peter Stevens, from GS1, will speak on barcode technology and innovation. Kirk Hardy, from the Drug Detection Agency, returns to the conference with fresh advice on how to deal with drug issues in the workplace. Alec McNeil, from the Marlborough District Council, will look at how we can move forward with sustainability, pressures on businesses with how they perform, innovation and what the future might bring for the industry
Click here to book and for more information, or visit to book. The revamped web site has details of the conference and accommodation information as well as previous conference collateral from the past few years.
What: WePrint Conference
Where: Marlborough Convention Centre
When: July 17-18
WePrint announces speaker line-up