Kiwi signage and print professionals who cross the Tasman for the Visual Impact show in September will enjoy a diverse range of presentations and workshops.
Set down for September 12-14 at the Sydney Showgrounds, Olypmic Park, the event promises a raft of technology and solutions. The seminars and workshops will span the whole show, with no charge to registered visitors.
Industry experts include the likes of Roland DG’s Brett Mendes and Greg Stone, who will talk about making profit from personalisation as well as Jeremy Brew from HP on the magic of wide format. Trotec’s Adrian Albanese will cover laser camera systems for print and cut applications.
On the business side, Marian Taggart-Holland and David Louie from Ecolease will help demystify finance for small businesses; while Control Zone’s John Hadfield promises the answers for anyone who thinks that mistakes could kill their business. Ben Carroll from Velflex will give his take on growing beyond six figures and why you should care about that. Looking at the big picture, Mark Goodsell from AiGroup, will talk about Industry 4.0 – hope or hype.
Kellie Northwood, executive director at Two Sides Australia, offers a different perspective with a presentation called Would you like fries with that? Representing PIAA, Andrew McCauley, will give his take on adversity and opportunity in the industry, Also from PIAA, Paul Mitchell will answer the question: What’s in it for me? The personal protection derived from PIAA membership.
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What: Visual Impact Workshop Programme
When: September 12-14
Where: Sydney Showground, Sydney Olympic Park