The Two Sides annual meeting with country managers in London planned to strengthen its anti-greenwash campaign targeting major banks, utilities, telecoms and other big corporations.


For its anti-greenwash campaign more than 600 organisations have been researched. Of these 77 per cent have been found to be using greenwash in their marketing, usually in breach of local regulations, and, after being challenged by Two Sides, 60 per cent have voluntarily amended their messaging.

During its annual AGM representatives also discussed the results of the multi-country survey recently undertaken by Two Sides. They say they will build upon the findings to ensure that print on paper remains the preferred and sustainable way to communicate.


TSA executive director Kellie Northwood attended and was accompanied by representatives from Europe, USA, South America, South Africa and New Zealand.


Kellie Northwood, executive director, TSA, says, “Our industry, spanning a wide variety of players including forestry, paper making, printing, publishing and postal services, has a terrific record of reducing its environmental impact. As the world awakens to the need for a circular economy, print and paper users everywhere must be reminded about the natural recyclability and renewably of the materials we produce.


“We are delighted that our surveys reveal continuing consumer preference for print on paper. Our task is to see that confidence remain and we will continue to actively challenge any organisations that misrepresent the great sustainability story of print on paper.”


The latest Two Sides survey Print and Paper in a Digital World can be accessed at:

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