The Ghent Workgroup has published a new White Paper intended to help designers better understand native transparency and the use of best practices to avoid common print problems associated with transparencies.
The author, Jason Lisi, works as associate professor at Ryerson’s School of Graphic Communications Management in Toronto Canada; as expert, documentation officer for the Ghent Workgroup; and as head of delegation and vice chair of the Standards Council of Canada Mirror Committee (SMC) for ISO TC130.
David Zwang, GWG Chairman, says, “We invited Jason to write this White Paper to simply explain the solutions available for some of the more common issues printers and designers are dealing with on a daily basis. Understanding the benefits of using native PDF transparency in print production design, especially when PDF/X 4 files are processed, can help to avoid issues on press.”
The author describes native transparency as a powerful tool that can enhance and streamline the design process. Understanding how to properly employ transparency can avoid costly mistakes all the way down the chain of production. The print and packaging industries have free access to GWG’s tools and resources for the successful use of PDF files for all production environments.
Lisi, says, “With this White Paper, we hope to help printers and designers to better understand the benefits and challenges of using native PDF transparency in product production design.”
Click here for the white paper and other Ghent Workgroup educational materials, tools, and resources