Organisers expect more than 13,000 visitors from around Australia, New Zealand and the wider Asia-Pacific region for PacPrint 2017.
It will once again take place at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre from May 23-26. Work continues apace behind the scenes on the PacPrint 2017 Forum Series, which will provide an educational dimension to the industry’s premier exhibition.
Karen Goldsmith – general manager associations with show co-host Visual Connections, says the series will feature daily keynote sessions tackling the big issues as well as panels and workshops each afternoon addressing specific markets, trends, and opportunities.
She says, “The keynote sessions are designed to be both thought provoking and inspiring as we look at some of the big issues which face us all, on both a business and personal level, including the Future, Performance, Leadership and Change.”
She adds that the presenters will provide insightful, interesting, and inspiring sessions. She says, “We’ve been talking to some very exciting speakers and I’m confident that visitors will gain enormously from their experience and ideas.”
Each afternoon, workshop sessions will focus on more industry and application specific topics, with information and advice from industry experts covering market opportunities, trends and technologies, and business strategies. The Forum sessions will complement the region’s largest and most comprehensive exhibition of equipment, technology and solutions for the print, graphic communications, sign and display sectors.
Sessions are free to all PacPrint visitors.
Visit online to book exhibition space or contact Peter Harper or +61 2 9868 1577.
What: PacPrint 2017
When: May 23-26
Where: Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre
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