Ipex organiser, Informa, says this year show has received endorsement from major British manufacturers and others, welcoming the likes of Apex Digital Graphics, Duplo, Intelligent Finishing Systems, Renz, and Watkiss Automation.
Rob Fisher, the show’s event director, says, “Ipex welcomes the confidence of manufacturers from its home country. Exhibitors are telling us that our inclusive approach towards the show’s format and our innovative sales formula are consolidating IPEX’s role as 2017’s must-attend event.”
Jo Watkiss, communications director for Watkiss Automation, says, “We are looking forward to IPEX and fully expect it to deliver on its promise of an exhibition that the industry, both suppliers and visitors, really do want. Watkiss constantly develops new products and relevant technologies for the print services provider and IPEX 2017, which sits mid-way between drupa exhibitions, is an important stage from which to talk to our customers.”
Fisher says that, from its first outing in the 1880’s, IPEX has changed in line with trends in the market and 2017 continues that tradition. He says, “Through our Joint Executive Committee we have developed a new vision and format for IPEX 2017 to ensure that it truly showcases Print In Action. We know visitors want to see working equipment, and exhibitors have told us they need to manage costs. So we’ve created exhibiting packages that incorporate power delivery for their machines. This is a central part of our offering for exhibitors. Visitors have indicated that they want a new, engaging content programme, details of which will be announced in the new year.”
Sarah Crumpler, marketing manager for Duplo UK, says, “Although UK-led, IPEX will be an international show and will provide another extremely important platform to allow printers to get hands-on with our latest innovations. We’re looking forward to welcoming our customers and prospects from the UK and further afield to the NEC again.”
Bob Usher, managing director for RMGT UK agent Apex Digital Graphics, says, “IPEX has listened to the market and taken into account what both the equipment manufacturers and print service providers need,” observes. The uncertainty of Brexit doesn’t seem to have dampened the appetite for printing companies to renew their equipment. We plan to fully exploit this window of opportunity to showcase our RMGT Ryobi presses with LED-UV and our great value Cron CTP systems at IPEX 2017. The show has always been an excellent business platform for us and we are looking forward to introducing new and existing customers to our ground-breaking equipment.”
Bryan Godwyn, managing director of Intelligent Finishing Systems, says, “Intelligent Finishing Systems is a long-term supporter of IPEX and we have enjoyed many successful IPEX’s over the years. We are very much looking forward to showcasing our automated systems at the UK’s largest print event and as a distributor of Horizon International, Foliant, Tecnau and Perfecta, among others, we will have live demonstrations on our stand which embrace IPEX’s theme of print in action.”
Binding laminating manufacturer Renz will bring its full range to the show. Iain Bullock, managing director of Renz UK, says, “Renz has been exhibiting at IPEX since 1993, never having missed a cycle and never having had an unsuccessful show,” emphasises. “Renz are pleased to be participating at IPEX, NEC in 2017 and are looking forward to another successful event from the Informa team.
“Irrespective of the testing times both the show and the industry have had over the past eight years IPEX remains the standout event in the UK show calendar, the name carrying a lot of historical kudos within the print industry which will inevitably help to draw both suppliers and visitors to the NEC.”
Jo Watkiss adds, “Exhibitions like IPEX offer something that other media can’t: the opportunity to open your eyes to new possibilities, products and applications that can make a real difference to your business and that you wouldn’t have seen or considered otherwise. It’s not just about the brands that you already know; it’s seeking out the ones that can make a difference to your business.”
Fisher concludes, “Today’s show of strength from major manufacturers on IPEX’s home turf demonstrates how they believe this will be the premier international event for print in 2017. Discussions with other major manufacturers continue and we look forward to making more announcements in the New Year.”
Locals add support to Ipex