Bob Somers of Print Maintenance and Daryl Saunders of Print and Graphic Electrical Services spent a week undergoing training in preparation for the arrival of the press that Auckland printer Crucial Colour will install at its Penrose site.

Both men had trained in Japan before. Saunders had trained on a B3 520 press with Ryobi and Somers had trained with Komori 28 years ago. Dave Taylor, general manager Cyber New Zealand, which supplies Ryobi, says, “These kinds of visits are all part of Cybers commitment to updating its technicians on the very latest equipment.”

Although Somers found the flight to Japan tiring, he believes the week’s training was well worth it. He says, “We had a 12 hour flight to get there. We found it interesting travelling on the bullet trains and meeting all the people. It’s a totally different culture. It was full on every day. We spent about two and a half days on the perfecting unit. You have to know how to put it together in the right sequence. They actually had a perfecting unit on the showroom floor, which we got to pull apart and put back together. We learnt a lot about the perfecting unit and seeing how their machines were built.”

Saunders also took advantage of the intensive training. He says, “Ryobi was very thorough and well organised. Everything was spot on and the Ryobi people were very helpful with any questions. They made sure that we understood everything. Although I had dealt with some of it previously, it was good to be brought up to date on everything.”

Somers adds, “You can learn a lot by just by walking through the factory and seeing how they put things together. Seeing how they are assembled on the production line gives you a different way of looking at it and you then know how to take them apart. It gives you a lot more confidence when you are working on them.”


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