Ipex, the largest printing and graphics arts exhibition in the English-speaking world, takes place from 4-11th April 2006 at the NEC, Birmingham UK. The 250 square meter Process Automation and JDF Pavilion will be prominently positioned in Hall 20 just a few steps away from a main entrance to the Ipex event. Given the market forces and trends in the industry, process automation is expected to be one of the priorities for printers and graphic arts companies in 2006.

“At drupa 2004 the industry saw the first wave of JDF-enabled products introduced into the market,” said Laurence Roberts, President of Ipex 2006. “There are more and more examples of what printers and graphic arts companies have been able to do with JDF-based process automation and the return on investment is compelling. At the Process Automation and JDF Pavilion we will provide information on what is and can be done with JDF today, in the real world.”

The Process Automation and JDF Pavilion will feature demonstrations of interoperability and data flow between systems of different vendors that will feature software and systems available for purchase by Ipex attendees. There will also be a theater area that will feature user case study presentations to be held throughout Ipex, including CIPPI (CIP4 International Print Production Innovation) Award winning case studies.

“JDF technology isn’t tentative or experimental any longer,” said Martin Bailey of Global Graphics and CIP4 CEO. “It’s stable, tested, and proven and Ipex affords CIP4 members the opportunity to deliver the proof by demonstrating implementation examples.”

“Since 2004, JDF has been extended to include features that support a broader range of print production workflows beyond commercial sheetfed and digital printing, including web offset, newspaper production and aspects of packaging,” said Dr. Rainer Prosi of Heidelberg and CIP4 Technical Officer. “I think Ipex attendees will also get to see more JDF-enabled process automation solutions, covering a broader set of printing segments, than ever before.”

The Process Automation and JDF Pavilion will provide a place where attendees can also get a clear picture of process automation solutions available at Ipex and will serve as a hub for many attendees looking for process automation tools and devices throughout the many Ipex halls. The MIS, JDF & Software trail will indicate which exhibitors are showing JDF-enabled process automation products and systems so that Process Automation and JDF Pavilion attendees can take what they’ve learned at the Pavilion and follow through as they visit the 794 exhibiting companies already registered to exhibit at Ipex 2006. For more information on Ipex, including registration information, please visit www.ipex.org.

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