Roy Morgan Readership results for New Zealand’s print Newspapers and Magazines in 2017.
Despite retaining its status as the most widely read newspaper, the New Zealand Herald suffered a slight drop in readership, both in print and online.
The latest Roy Morgan New Zealand readership results for newspapers and magazines in the 12 months to June 2017 places the Herald, at 1.674 million readers, a fair distance ahead of its nearest rival, the Dominion Post, with 488,000.
All four top titles – the Herald (-1.2 per cent), the Dom Post (-7.4), the Sunday Star Times (-7.8), and the Press (-0.3) – dropped readership. However, the country’s second tier newspapers actually grew readership: the Waikato Times (+4.9 per cent), Bay of Plenty Times (+10.5), Hawkes Bay Today (+6.6) and the Sunday News (+32.3).
With 507,000, AA Directions New Zealand’s is the most widely read print magazine followed by the New Zealand Women’s Day on 339,000.
Others to make the list include the Listener on 246,000; TV Guide on 228,000; Cuisine on 171,000; Property Press on 145,000; and House and Garden on 144,000.
In the Saturday Weekend Herald, Canvas tops New Zealand’s Newspaper Inserted Magazines ahead of the Sunday Star-Times Newspaper Inserted Magazine the Sunday Magazine; Weekend; Your Weekend; andBite from the Herald.