Got a Trade? Got it Made! Week has started, celebrating 148,000 apprentices and industry trainees in over 140 trades and services.
The joint initiative involves industry training organisations Competenz, BCITO, Connexis, skills, Service IQ, Career Force, Hito, Primary ITO, and Mito.
Got a Trade organisers say the country has more apprentices and trainees than university students but we need more because of skills shortages in many industries and regions. The week promotes the fact that trainees and apprentices learn on-the-job and get paid while they get qualified, rather than rack up student loans.
Josh Wiliams, chief executive at ITF, says, “There is more than one way to launch a career. Got A Trade? Got It Made is about showing young people, schools, and mums and dads the massively exciting range of options where you can ‘earn and learn’ as a trainee or apprentice.”
“During the week, we’ll be showcasing Got A Trade! heroes from a broad range of trades and services. Fifty outstanding young trainees will attend the Got A Trade Future Leaders Forum and the 2017 Industry Training Awards, hosted at Parliament by Industry Training Minister Hon Louise Upston.
He adds that every trainee and apprentice represents a commitment by employers to skill up the next generation. He says, “By taking on apprentices and trainees employers are not just giving young people a chance but also giving back to their industries. We call on more employers to join in by getting in touch with their industry training organisations.
“We also invite any future government to provide stronger support to those employers that are taking on young trainees and apprentices, especially in the early stages of their careers.”