Active and intelligent packaging is the main topic for the next Australian Institute of Packaging (AIP) online course. It will take place on October 31, 2023.

The course offers benefits to anyone responsible for packaging, marketing, operations, and logistics in the consumer goods and broader supply chain. It will provide attendees with a better understanding of the smart packaging solutions currently available. These can transform the way they package, deliver and market their products. In addition, they can connect directly with consumers or offer value that will ensure customers “come back for more”.

Michael Dossor will present the course. Michael has over 30 years of experience in the packaging industry in the areas of print, machinery and materials. He represents the industry across various working groups, including the AIP lead Save Food Packaging Consortium for the Fight Food Waste CRC, APCO’s National Packaging Targets Implementation (NPTI) Working Group. Co-chair of the GS1 Australia Traceability Solution Providers Group, he received the Industry Packaging Professional of the Year Award.

Best practice

Michael will also discuss best practice examples of award-winning packs from the PIDA and WorldStar Awards across active and intelligent packaging. Other discussions will cover active and intelligent packaging in easy to understand terms. They will highlight applications embraced by brands across various industries to enhance their operations while providing an unparalleled customer experience.

AIP says that printed packaging will never be replaced even though nearly every printed medium has shifted to digital and now sits on a smartphone or PC. Likewise, email and social media platforms are a crowded space where it is difficult to stand out. It adds, “We use smartphones and smart appliances, drive smart cars, and we increasingly purchase consumer goods that are supplied and transported in smart packages. So, what makes all those things ‘smart’ and how can ‘smart packaging’ be implemented?”

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