The NZ Community Newspaper Association will host its annual conference in Rotorua next week from June 15-16.
Simon Ellis, president of CNA, says that, with nearly 100 delegates registered, the conference promises a busy couple of days. He says, “There will be some thought provoking speakers who will challenge the way newspapers operate including the development and use of apps to drive new revenue, and the way newspapers communicate to readers and advertisers on the value of print.”
The conference speakers will cover a wide range of topics. Kellie Northwood, executive director of print advocacy organisation Two Sides Australia will address the value of paper and print. Stuart Howie, dire tor of Flametree Media, will discuss at how newsrooms should look for 2018 and beyond.
In addition to these speakers, the conference offers comprehensive training and development sessions for editorial and sales teams on the Saturday. with Grant Hannis, associate professor at the Massey University Journalism School and Kirsten Leng from Infinitus Group will provide a full sales training workshop.
Friday night sees the presentation of the Annual Better Community Newspaper Awards, culminating in Newspaper of the Year Award.