13-15 in New Plymouth
Many young printmakers are interested in Letterpress

The annual national Printers and Bookbinders Wayzgoose will take place over the weekend of September 13-15 in New Plymouth.

Register for the Wayzgoose.

Graham Judd of Inkiana Press, says, “This year, the programme includes visits to The Pioneer Village at Stratford with the ‘press gang’ and their print shop; bookbinder Jonathan Bennett; a printers fair, for those looking to buy or sell  letterpress and bookbinders goodies; a buffet style Wayzgoose dinner with guest speaker; and an opportunity to see the Taranaki Aviation Technology and Transport Museum (TATATM) printshop in action.

Click on the QR Code to find out more about the Wayzgoose

“M any printers will know Graham O’Keeffe from his days with Heidelberg New Zealand. Graham will be involved with the activities over the weekend.”

Mix of ages

With the interest of younger printmakers in letterpress print around the country, organisers are looking forward to a mix of ages and people from different print processes joining the Wayzgoose.

Graham adds, “The Wayzgoose Committee welcomes anyone with an interest in any and all areas of print, bookbinding, and what has become known as ‘printmaking’. And if you have any old surplus letterpress equipment to dispose of, here is an opportunity to sell it to budding printers rather than see it going to the tip!”

The word Wayzgoose historically refers to an annual summer dinner or outing held by a printing house for its employees. Some bookbinders believe that Wayzgoose was held on St Bartholomew’s Day because he was the patron saint of leather workers. The holiday, a break in printing, was traditionally also the day that papermakers took a break from making paper for the printers.

For more information go to the wayzgoose page on the Association of Book Crafts website, or contact graham@inkianapress.co.nz

What: National Wayzgoose
Where: New Plymouth
When: September 13-15
Register: https://abc-nz.org.nz/news-events-and-regional-pages/2024-wayzgoose-/

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